PLDI 2025
Mon 16 - Fri 20 June 2025 Seoul, South Korea
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Submission Form


Please use this form to propose a workshop or tutorial.

Note, the questions can be answered either directly in the proposal, or CFP. CFPs often cover the same information, duplication is not necessary for such cases.

Committee Form

This form asks for the committee members to be added. Generally, it is fine to simply add the organizers, and do not yet add the program committee.

If you plan to have proceedings published in the ACM DL, you’ll need to apply for SIGPLAN sponsorship after the workshop is accepted, which requires an approval for the proposed committee. Since the form would be used to publish the committee on acceptance, please do not include it at this stage.

Give a summary of what the Conference/Workshop entails. When accepted, this text will be used as initial description (editable) shown on the track page.
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e.g. Call for Papers/Posters/Tutorials/...
Text of the call for papers/posters/...
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When accepted, this submission deadline will be added as important date, which can later be changed.

Event format

Select at most 1 option:
Review Process (if applicable)

How will reviewing be conducted, and how will results be disseminated?

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Are proceedings to be published in the ACM DL?

Note: This will require SIGPLAN sponsorship. The chairs will facilitate an application after the workshop is accepted.

Select at most 1 option:
Previous Iterations

Please provide a brief overview of previous iterations of the proposed workshop or tutorial.

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Expected or desired number of participants (may depend on the desired format)

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Intended target audience (brief description)

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Inclusion and Diversity

In keeping with ACM’s and PLDI’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, we encourage you to reflect on how you will foster an inclusive environment and involve those from diverse backgrounds. To aid in that process, we’d like you to briefly answer the following with your initial thoughts on these topics. (1-2 sentences is sufficient.)

  • How will you organize and advertise your event to promote participation by attendees from diverse backgrounds and perspectives?
  • How will you ensure your event uses inclusive language, technologies, and schedule?

We are happy to work with you on developing plans for an effective online workshop/tutorial, and also on ways to support inclusion and diversity in your event. Please don’t hesitate to contact us: Alexandra, Dan, Stefan.

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