Registered user since Sun 26 May 2024
Name:Sanjiva Prasad
Work Experience
- Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (1994-present)
- Former Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi (2018-21, 2024)
- Former Head, School of Public Policy, IIT Delhi (2022-24)
- Former Head, Amarnath and Shashi Khosla School of IT, IIT Delhi (2011-2015)
- Lektor, BRICS, DAIMI, Aarhus Universitet (1998-99)
- Researcher, ECRC GmbH, Munich, Germany (1992-94)
- Computer Scientist, Odyssey Research Associates (ORA Corp), Ithaca, NY (1990-92)
- Ph.D. (Computer Science), Stony Brook University, 1991
- M.S (Computer Science), Stony Brook University, 1990
- B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering), IIT Kanpur, 1985.
Affiliation:Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Personal website: https://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~sanjiva
Research interests:Concurrency, Logic, Semantics, Verification, Programming Languages
Using general profile